Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Final: Old Maid

For this final project we were to create a playable game of old maid with each of the cards having a character representing certain things.


Green: Each of these represent events in my life that helped shaped/affected my personal aesthetics/creativity.

Bass- This character became a solid reality during my first playthrough of Persona 4, after all the philosophical events, scenes, messages, and other things this guy basically became my persona, or mask.

Forte- This guy is based off my Skyrim character, games have always been a large part of my life and this game proved every assumption I had of it wrong and I now greatly enjoy it. I have always love dragons, but I have never once enjoyed anything that related around or about dragons until this game. After just playing this game for a short period I started getting more immersed into gaming and everything that goes into it.

Raika- This is stemming off of the Persona 4 one a bit, but never before have I actually enjoyed or even played any attention to any music from a game until I played this game. After just one hour of playing I kept having all these revelations and actually realized how much i missed out in the nostalgia of all the old things I just passed by.

Ruby- Conventions, outfits, interacting with people who enjoy the same things. This shows my first entrance into the world of conventions, on the outside I was all cool and collected, and on the inside i was jumping off the walls with hundreds of different things bouncing around in my head.

Sparky- The tiger represents the only person I have ever met that I felt genuinely put an effort into having me as a friend, while everyone else would take advantage of me and simply leave after everything I did for them, this guy never passed me up without a good reason. The fireworks show, basically the first thing we did together and I will never forget it.

Yellow: These are all characters representing people who have influenced me.

Anothi- My most recent following artist, she has amazing work and just dissecting her anatomy has greatly helped my art.

Kaylink- Though she recently quite being an artist Kaylink was the first person who made me see color and actually like seeing wolfs again in art (since they have been drawn to death).

Neondragon- I love dragons, and neon can make a kick as one with only cell shading, and it is still a million times better than most dragons I have seen.

Paladin- My knight in shining armor and great protector, as well as the only one that doesn't treat me like a ignorant child, my dad.

Valen- The man that made my assumption that certain men cannot be friends and turned it around and became the only good friends I have.

Blue: These represent object around my workstation that mean something to me.

Clockwork- I have many clocks in my area, but none has been more sentimental than this one, and its batteries are out.

Lockbox- This is my personal lockbox that I store many simple but important things inside.

Jackle- My jacket of the year, I always were a jacket and the current one that I' obsessing with is always draped over my chair.

Ranpu- The awesome lamp with holding properties, yes please!

Wingman- My toucan packed jungle themed art bored, I have had this since I was a child and it is more handy than any expensive art bored.


Purple: These are activities that I enjoy or that help inspire me.

Ace- Card games, I have no idea why but I tend to get sucked up into card games. Yu-gi-oh!, Vanguard, and Resident Evil are my games and I enjoy them.

Demo- I have been recently on a movie rampage, I have watched more movies this year than any other time in my life. After being in school for a few years I have come to enjoy the work people have put into these films.

Dasher- I love taking walks, with my cat or a dog, it doesn't matter it helps clear my head and is the only thing that has come close to relaxing me my whole life. I even spent a whole year in high school just walking around for an hour instead of hanging with my so called friends.

Hime- Sleeping, I love it and I hate it. It wastes time, but it recharges, inspires, calms and is needed.

Jack- I'm a people watcher, after playing Persona 4 I have be so attuned with people’s personalities and emotions. Its has become blatantly obvious when people are lying to me and what they are plotting now.

Louise- Gamer, simple as that. Though I'm no hard core 78 hour+ straight gamer, i do enjoy it and know how to incorporate it in my life without problem, when I'm not obsessing over it.

Parth - Animals, I love them! Need I say more?

Polar- I enjoy biking, just like walking it clams me and helps full my inspiration, except I go faster.

Souji- TV, a source of background noise, entertainment, inspiration, and many other things.

Typhoon- When it is summer I am a swimming hound! If I had the option of going walking, biking, gaming, or swimming I'd go swimming. It only comes around during the summer I make sure I enjoy it while i have it!

Old Maid- This is a character that represents something that hinders me. This character represents multiple things that tend to hinder me at times; the character itself shows my obsessions coupled with the distractions that strong emotions bring. My current obsession at this time was Skyrim and it kept me from working on my art for quite awhile. The character making a heart symbolizes emotions and how they hurt me, while emotions sometimes bring about amazing works from artist they instead hinder me drastically, especially the strong ones. Emotions don't bring about new ideas, they distract me and force me to focus on what is causing them and nothing else, this even distracts me from everything else around me as well.
This is the pattern for the card backing; I have a liking for honeycombs as design elements lately so that is where this came from. The colors are based off of the colors in the old maid.

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